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作者:高江梅 梁爱民 来源:资源与环境学院 发布时间:2016-05-19


College English IV

课程编码:08A09040 学分:3.0 课程类别:通识必修课

计划学时:48 其中讲课:48 实验或实践:0 上机:0





Susan Stempleski、杨惠中主编,《视听说教程》4,上海外语教育出版社,2012年。



Susan Stempleski、杨惠中主编,《视听说教程》4教师用书,上海外语教育出版社,2008年。




Leo Jones主编,《大学英语基础口语教程》, 上海外语教育出版社,2012年。






(1)听力理解能力:能够基本听懂来自英语国家人士的谈话和讲座,能听懂题材熟悉、 篇幅较长的国内英语广播。能基本听懂外国专家用英语讲授的课程,掌握其中心大意,抓住要点。







Unit One 建议学时:8


1. Improving students’ listening and speaking skills

2. Providing some relevant background information to broaden students’ horizons

3. Helping students have a good command of complicated language points

4. Assessing students’ academic performance in various ways


1. Key words and expressions

2. Difficult grammatical points:would/need/should/might/must have done

3. Reading skills:making inferences

4. Writing pattern:a general statement supported by details

[授 课 方 法] 以课堂讲授为主,课堂讨论和课下自学为辅。课堂讲授以讲授精读为主,听力和会话为辅。所采用的教学法大致有功能法、结构法、语法—翻译法、交际法、情景法等;

[授 课 内 容]

Periods 1&2

1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play

2. Listening and Speaking Lesson AThe Natural World, Unit One

3. Pre-reading Activities of Section AThe Tail of Fame, Unit One

Periods 3&4

1. Class report/role play

2. Text Explanation of Section AThe Tail of Fame, Unit One

Periods 5&6

1. Exercises of Section AThe Tail of Fame

2. Listening and Speaking Lesson BThe man-made World,Unit One

Periods 7&8

1. Words and phrases dictation

2. Reading skillsMaking inferences

3. Words and Expressions of the text of Section BThe Power of a Good Name,Unit One

4. Exercises of Section BThe Power of a Good Name,Unit One

Unit Two 建议学时:8


1. Improving students’ listening and speaking skills

2. Providing some relevant background information to broaden students’ horizons

3. Helping students have a good command of complicated language points

4. Assessing students’ academic performance in various ways


1. Key words and expressions

2. Difficult grammatical points: “if…had+ past participle” and “using it as the formal subject”

3. Reading skills:facts or opinion

[授 课 方 法] 以课堂讲授为主,课堂讨论和课下自学为辅。课堂讲授以讲授精读为主,听力和会话为辅。所采用的教学法大致有功能法、结构法、语法—翻译法、交际法、情景法等;

[授 课 内 容]

Periods 1&2

1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play

2. Listening and Speaking Lesson AComputers are everywhere, Unit Two

3. Pre-reading Activities of Section ACharlie Chaplin, Unit Two

Periods 3&4

1. Class report/role play

2. Text Explanation of Section ACharlie Chaplin, Unit Two

Periods 5&6

1. Exercises of Section ACharlie Chaplin

2. Listening and Speaking Lesson BModern technology,Unit Two

Periods 7&8

1. Words and phrases dictation

2. Reading SkillsFacts or Opinion

3. Words and Expressions of the text of Section BThe Political Career of a Female Politician,Unit Two

4. Exercises of Section BThe Political Career of a Female Politician,Unit Two

Unit Three 建议学时:8


1. Improving students’ listening and speaking skills

2. Providing some relevant background information to broaden students’ horizons

3. Helping students have a good command of complicated language points

4. Assessing students’ academic performance in various ways


1. Key words and expressions

2. Difficult grammatical points:be V-ed+to

3. Reading skills:understanding figurative language

4. Writing pattern:a general statement supported by examples

[授 课 方 法] 以课堂讲授为主,课堂讨论和课下自学为辅。课堂讲授以讲授精读为主,听力和会话为辅。所采用的教学法大致有功能法、结构法、语法—翻译法、交际法、情景法等;

[授 课 内 容]

Periods 1&2

1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play

2. Listening and Speaking Lesson AThe People behind the news, Unit Three

3. Pre-reading Activities of Section ALonging for a New Welfare System, Unit Three

Periods 3&4

1. Class report/role play

2. Text Explanation of Section ALonging for a New Welfare System, Unit Three

Periods 5&6

1. Exercises of Section ALonging for a New Welfare System

2. Listening and Speaking Lesson BIn the news,Unit Three

Periods 7&8

1. Words and phrases dictation

2. Reading Skillsunderstanding figurative language

3. Words and Expressions of the text of Section BA Blind Man Helped Me See the Beautiful World,Unit Three

4. Exercises of Section BA Blind Man Helped Me See the Beautiful World,Unit Three

Unit Four 建议学时:8


1. Improving students’ listening and speaking skills

2. Providing some relevant background information to broaden students’ horizons

3. Helping students have a good command of complicated language points

4. Assessing students’ academic performance in various ways


1. Key words and expressions

2. Difficult grammatical points: “rather than” as a conjunction and” twice as…as”

3. Reading skills:reading for the main idea in a paragraph

4. Writing pattern:comparison

[授 课 方 法] 以课堂讲授为主,课堂讨论和课下自学为辅。课堂讲授以讲授精读为主,听力和会话为辅。所采用的教学法大致有功能法、结构法、语法—翻译法、交际法、情景法等;

[授 课 内 容]

Periods 1&2

1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play

2. Listening and Speaking Lesson AWork history, Unit Four

3. Pre-reading Activities of Section AThe Telecommunications Revolution, Unit Four

Periods 3&4

1. Class report/role play

2. Text Explanation of Section AThe Telecommunications Revolution, Unit Four

Periods 5&6

1. Exercises of Section AThe Telecommunications Revolution, Unit Four

2. Listening and Speaking Lesson BDream jobs,Unit Four

Periods 7&8

1. Words and phrases dictation

2. Reading SkillsReading for the Main Idea in a Paragraph

3. Words and Expressions of the text of Section BThe Information Superhighway,Unit Four

4. Exercises of Section BThe Information Superhighway,Unit Four

Unit Five 建议学时:8


1. Improving students’ listening and speaking skills

2. Providing some relevant background information to broaden students’ horizons

3. Helping students have a good command of complicated language points

4. Assessing students’ academic performance in various ways


1. Key words and expressions

2. Difficult grammatical points: “not/never so…as”and “might as well”

3. Reading skills:predicting the writer’s ideas

[授 课 方 法] 以课堂讲授为主,课堂讨论和课下自学为辅。课堂讲授以讲授精读为主,听力和会话为辅。所采用的教学法大致有功能法、结构法、语法—翻译法、交际法、情景法等;

[授 课 内 容]

Periods 1&2

1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play

2. Listening and Speaking Lesson ASuccess stories, Unit Five

3. Pre-reading Activities of Section AChoose to Be Alone on Purpose, Unit Five

Periods 3&4

1. Class report/role play

2. Text Explanation of Section AChoose to Be Alone on Purpose, Unit Five

Periods 5&6

1. Exercises of Section AChoose to Be Alone on Purpose, Unit Five

2. Listening and Speaking Lesson BBig business,Unit Five

Periods 7&8

1. Words and phrases dictation

2. Reading SkillsPredicting the Writer’s Ideas

3. Words and Expressions of the text of Section BRoommate Conflicts,Unit Five

4. Exercises of Section BRoommate Conflicts,Unit Five

Unit Six 建议学时:8


1. Improving students’ listening and speaking skills

2. Providing some relevant background information to broaden students’ horizons

3. Helping students have a good command of complicated language points

4. Assessing students’ academic performance in various ways


1. Key words and expressions

2. Difficult grammatical points:it is +adjective+to do/that-clause

3. Reading skills:reading between the lines

4. Writing pattern:listing supported by examples

[授 课 方 法] 以课堂讲授为主,课堂讨论和课下自学为辅。课堂讲授以讲授精读为主,听力和会话为辅。所采用的教学法大致有功能法、结构法、语法—翻译法、交际法、情景法等;

[授 课 内 容]

Periods 1&2

1. Oral English practices: class report/pair work/role play

2. Listening and Speaking Lesson AHaving it all, Unit Six

3. Pre-reading Activities of Section ABribery and Business Ethics, Unit Six

Periods 3&4

1. Class report/role play

2. Text Explanation of Section ABribery and Business Ethics, Unit Six

Periods 5&6

1. Exercises of Section ABribery and Business Ethics, Unit Six

2. Listening and Speaking Lesson BStriking it rich,Unit Six

Periods 7&8

1. Words and phrases dictation

2. Reading SkillsReading between the Lines

3. Words and Expressions of the text of Section BThe Biggest Threat to the Role of Police Officers,Unit Six

4. Exercises of Section BThe Biggest Threat to the Role of Police Officers,Unit Six

撰稿人:高江梅 审核人:梁爱民

